Character Interview with Luca from Lindsay Avalon’s “Breaking the Nexus”!

4 Mar

Something different today for all you avid readers! The amazing and sexy Lucarion from “Breaking the Nexus” has stopped by to answer a few questions. So sit back, grab a cuppa, and hear what he has to say.

And just a reminder – here’s a little info on the novel itself.

Click it. Click it. I promise you won't disappointed.

Click it. Click it. I promise you won’t disappointed.

A warrior trying to save humans. A detective searching for a killer. And a romance neither expected.

Throughout history, myths and legends of extraordinary creatures have been told and retold. Fantastic tales of demons and banshees, gryphons and dragons, and of course, magic. Stories that every child grows to learn are nothing more than fantasy…or are they?

Beyond the world you see lies a hidden realm, the Mythrian Realm, inhabited by all of the creatures you’ve been told are mere fiction. Only one thing lies between humans and the truth: the Nexus. A magical barrier erected millennia ago to separate the two realms, it has stood the test of time. Until now.

For Mythrian Sha Phoenix, magic is nothing new. But when she stumbles upon a portal on the verge of collapse, her fate will forever change. Pulled through the portal into the Human Realm, she lands in the middle of Detective Connor Flynn’s brutal murder scene. Soon it is obvious someone is using blood magic to try to bring down the Nexus. Together, Connor and Sha must work to unravel the secrets before the barrier falls and the realms collide.

The Nexus is breaking and all hell is about to unleash…literally.

On to the interview!

What is it like to work with Sha Phoenix? What kind of woman is she?

Sha is…interesting to say the least. She’s got this bizarre fascination with the Human Realm that I’ve never understood. I mean come on, they’re boring. As far as I’m concerned, we should just leave them to fend for themselves. Other than that, she’s a great partner and very powerful. Don’t tell anyone, but she’s petrified of spiders so of course I find ways to sneak them into her gear. Never poisonous ones, of course. We like to play tricks on each other, but who doesn’t? Since we grew up together, we know how to get under each other’s skin so it keeps those long circuits interesting. When it comes down to it though, there isn’t anyone I’d trust more to watch my back in a fight. The one thing that’s frustrating is her impulsivity. She tends not to look before she dives into trouble and that’s gotten us into some tight spots over the years.

Are you friends as well as partners?

We’re more like siblings than friends. We’ve known each other forever and as kids we’d team up and take on anyone who gave her a hard time for being so short. I’m the only one allowed to make fun of her for being short.  Since I have a way with animals, I’d convince some of the wild life to help and she’d singe them with fire balls. Ah, the good old days. We went into Sentinel training at the same time and worked so well together that the trainers knew they’d be idiots not to partner us together.

What do you think of her interest in the human world? Do you think that interest sparked some of the events that occurred in “Breaking the Nexus”?

I’ll be honest, I don’t get it. Never have and probably never will. I don’t think it had anything to do with the Nexus breaking down, but I think it made her rush toward the unstable Gateway. Secretly, she’s always wanted to see the Human Realm in person, so I think part of her knew there was a chance she’d be pulled across. Then again, she reacts without thinking a lot of the time, so that could have been what happened too.

How do you feel about Connor? Do you see him as a contemporary or as a rival?

Considering Sha is more a sister to me than anything else, I don’t see him as a rival on a romantic level. That would be wrong *shudder*. I’m not sure I trust the  guy though. First of all, he’s human and Sha is a powerful Sorceri. Her powers can be volatile so he’ll have to watch out around her. Plus, I don’t like how fast this all happened. I mean, they’ve known each other a few days and they’ve already bonded? Like I mentioned before, Sha can be impulsive and doesn’t always think things through so I’m going to reserve my judgment until I know more about the guy. I will say he earned a little respect for following her through the Nexus despite not having a clue what he was getting into. Of course, he could just be an idiot. We’ll have to wait and see.

Tell us a little about yourself. Would you describe yourself as a hero?

I’m but a simple member of the Elven race 😉 I love animals, spending time with nature, and reading in my free time. Wow that makes me sound like a woman. Umm, I also love fighting, killing demons, and spending time with my friends. I’m a solitary person for the most part, but the Sentinels more or less become your family so it’s hard to be a complete loner. As for a hero? Definitely not. I enjoy the fight, the hunt. I’m not in it for glory or anything like that.

What are your thoughts on your creator, the lovely Lindsay Avalon? Did you give her lots of grief during the story process?

I haven’t given her too much grief, mainly because I wasn’t involved in Breaking the Nexus for long. In her next book, though, all bets are off. I want my time on the pages and I expect my own book sometime in the future. I won’t be a pest, but I also won’t be content to only get a few pages like I did the last time.

How do you feel about the final version of this story? Do you feel it did justice to the events that shaped you and Sha and Connor?

I liked how things shaped up but the story isn’t done yet so it’s hard to say what I think at this point. I’m pretty sure it could have benefited from more “Luca time” but maybe she was afraid my awesomeness would eclipse the story 😉

Where do you see yourself in say, two years? What’s next for you, Luca?

Where I see myself depends strongly on what happens over the next few months. I either see myself kicking ass or lying six feet underground with an ancient evil walking the earth. I’m an optimist so I’ll go with the former option 😉

You know you want to read this now. So go…get yourself a copy. And as incentive, Lindsay has graciously shared with us the inspiration photo behind Lucarion.


*fans self* Imagery with a book is ALWAYS a good thing.

Our thanks today to Lindsay Avalon and her creation, Luca, for a great little interview and feature!!

Bio and Links:

a84b77723a970a7e9d9a1f.L._V400704507_SX200_I am a wife, a programmer, and now an author. I have an adorable mini Schnauzer and more books than I have room for. I love reading romance because no matter what may be happening in my life, I can always count on my books to end happily ever after. The day I met my husband was the day I truly began believing in happily ever after. After hearing me complain a few too many times that I had “nothing” to read despite the hundreds of paperbacks scattered around the house, my husband began suggesting I write my own stories. When I finally took his advice I discovered that although I enjoy my day job as a software engineer, my true calling is to be an author.

My sister drilled into me an appreciation for fantasy and mythology, something I try to bring to my books. My debut novel, Breaking the Nexus started as a book written for NaNoWriMo and has grown to so much more. It was the conduit that introduced me to a fantastic group of independent authors who have changed my life in unimaginable ways.

When I’m not writing, I’ve found a passion for blogging and interviewing fellow authors. I also love reading (of course!), baking, crochet, sewing sock monkeys, playing video games, and all sorts of random crafts. I have an incurable love of rubber duckies and stuffed animals, and I believe nobody should have to grow up if they don’t want.


3 Responses to “Character Interview with Luca from Lindsay Avalon’s “Breaking the Nexus”!”

  1. teracia2 March 4, 2013 at 10:51 am #

    great interview thank you lindsay and tara


  2. Jennifer Wedmore March 4, 2013 at 1:12 pm #

    Oooohhh can’t wait for more Luca! Thanks


    • Sally A. Peckham March 5, 2013 at 12:43 am #

      Love the interview! Will be waiting to hear more. Luca is gorgeous!! 🙂


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