Interview with Author Hunter S. Jones

1 Nov

Available at Amazon.

I am excited to today to bring you an interview with the lovely and talented Hunter S. Jones and have her talk about her new release, “Fables of the Reconstruction”. The concept is so original and interesting, I’m not sure I know what sort of genre to shoehorn this into other than fabulous. Take a look for yourself and check out the interview!!!

A brief description:

Pomba Gira Mysticism. Creole Voodoo. The zombie apocalypse. Sex, drugs, magick.

Paranormal erotica.

Meet Pierre von Minzle and Mary Moore. They are the Adam and Lilith, definitely not Adam and Eve, of today’s zombie apocalypse. Fables of the Reconstruction is a playful yet graphic sexual adventure consisting of what might have been, combined with what possibly might be happening now. It contains Pomba Gira mysticism, Creole voodoo and the seeds of the zombie apocalypse set in Victorian London’s notorious Whitechapel District. Sex, magick , zombies. This ain’t your daddy’s shotgun zombie story. Mature content warning.

Intrigued, yet?? Go on, let’s hear from Hunter herself…..

What was your favorite part of the book?

Writing about Pierre von Minzle is an adventure. I never know what he is going to do until I begin writing. He is a demon, but he wants to help people. He kills people, but he also wants to save certain people. He is extremely complex to me. That duality of nature is probably within us all, somewhere.

What was the hardest part to write in the book?

Tara, the most difficult aspect of ‘Fables of the Reconstruction’ was writing the middle of the book. I had the concept for the beginning and the end of the book, however the middle part required the most research and the most wordsmithing. For some reason, the middle of the book was in my mind, it just took longer to put it into words and on the page.

What do you wish was different about the book?

I wish it was an international best seller! However it’s all cool right now and I am cultivating an audience.

Who are your favorite authors? Favorite books?

When I was eight years old, my mother gave me two books, ‘Gone With The Wind’ and ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’. Those books probably fueled a lifelong addiction to reading.  The favorite ever? This is the most difficult question I ever answered. I love Edgar Allan Poe. William Faulkner’s short story ‘A Rose for Emily’ shook me up as a kid, it still does. By the age of twelve, I read Dracula. Then, there’s Anne Rice. I love Anne Rice. I have almost every first edition Anne Rice book ever written, almost. Let’s see. Erica Jong was fearless. She wrote ‘Fear of Flying’ in 1973. Can you believe that? There are so many books and authors I adore, Tara.

What sparked the idea for your novel?

‘Fables of the Reconstruction’ was based on a dream about a rock star, a S&M dream actually. I wasn’t really certain what it all meant, until I started writing. Then, it became clear. The main characters became zombies because of the living but not truly alive aspect. The book came together as I wrote.

I could relate to the old Haitian and Brazilian voudou (American voodoo) stories about people being in a state of not living, of being undead because I am right in the middle of one of the most vibrant cities in the world, Atlanta, GA, and I can’t do anything! I’m currently healing from a serious  surgery —living but not alive, so to speak.

How personal is your writing?

It isn’t personal at all.

How strict are you with plotting? Do you outline or go where the story takes you?

As a writer, I always begin with an outline. With ‘Fables of the Reconstruction’ I found that the outline served a purpose in the beginning stages. However the story took on its own path. Other writers have expressed undergoing that phenomenon. It’s as if we are given a story, from the universe—or whatever you wish to call a higher power–and we are allowed to tell that story through words. One writer said she is a channel for the story, much as a psychic channels the universe for someone’s psychic reading.  Authors channel thoughts into words and stories. It’s an interesting experience and I am fortunate to be allowed such a journey.

What is your writing routine?

Every day I attempt to write something, even if it is only 100 words. I block out the hours of 11:00 to 3:00 to focus on the project at hand. However some of the best ideas seem to come to me right before I go to sleep.

Which comes first? The character’s story or the idea for the novel?

The main character appeared in ‘Fables of the Reconstruction’.  Next, the story came into focus.

How did you choose the genre you write in?

The genre chose me, most definitely.  Pierre chose me for the introduction and then other characters in the book appeared, and explained themselves after I ‘met’ Pierre. I’ve always been a vampire or witch admirer, and until meeting Pierre, I had no idea zombies could be so seductive.

How did you come up with the title?

The title is from an alternative rock album in the 1980s. I am devoted to the band, and always loved the name of the album.  I knew that someday that title would be the title of my book.

What project are you working on now?

Fables 2. Reconstruction of the Fables.  I also have three short stories I’m working on for anthologies that I’ll letl you more about as we get closer to the publication dates approach.

Are there certain themes you like to address in your writing?

  1. What if this event actually happened?
  2. What if something like this could really happen?
  3. You’ll find the Southern mystique of sin, redemption and salvation in each story–sometimes disguised, sometimes not. And, not always in that order.

What advice do you have for someone who would like to become a published writer?

Write, write, write to your heart’s content. Work on your craft 10 years. Then, lock it away, live your life and return to your writing, Merge the innocence with the experience and you will be amazed by what you discover. Or, write your story, wait 10 minutes and then release it to the world. There are two styles of writers…those who have to live the experience and those who watch the experience. One of my mentor’s taught me that. Both aspects are correct. It simply depends on the person’s personality type.

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

The toughest criticism is and always will be the rejection you have to endure as a writer. Not everyone will understand your art. It’s the same in any artistic field.

What has been the best compliment?

That is a great question Tara, thank you for asking . The best compliment, after you asking to conduct this interview, would have to be a very special compliment from a magazine. That special compliment, the Camelot moment of my career so far, was when an editor sent me an email that said simply…

’Your interview isn’t long enough. Send me more.’

It was amazing because an editor never asks for more. He had initially asked for 1000 words and I sent 3000 in anticipation of the slash and dash, as I call it. The article eventually reached 5000 words and became the feature for the publication that month.

I will love that man forever.

If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Jack White, Johnny Depp, Jack Daniel. Easily answered and no explanation needed.

Now the fun questions:

Favorite junk food?


Tea or coffee?


Favorite superhero(ine)? Why?

My favorite superheroine has always been a real person. I am fascinated by the adventurous spirit, beauty and courage of Amelia Earhart. I have been captivated by her story my entire life.

Favorite color?


Favorite place you’ve visited?

Barcelona Spain because there’s lots of red wine and beautiful men with long dark hair.

What’s one quirky or fun fact about you?

I live in a high rise, but I have a fear of falling. It’s not the heights I’m afraid of; it’s the falling that scares me.

Thank you so much to Hunter for taking the time to be here today! So, go on, head out and pick up your copy. Read it, review it. Authors love that.

Bio: Hunter S. Jones is a lifelong writer. Hunter regularly contributes articles to fashion and rock and roll publications, both in print and online. However, you will often find her writing articles for newspapers and quarterly professional publications. Her interests are varied… travel, wines, history, the occult, and psychology. Her passions are rock and roll and history, especially the history of sex.

She has a reading range which varies from ‘Beowulf’ to ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ to all points in between. Her favorite authors are Edgar Allan Poe, Anne Rice and Alison Weir. William S. Burroughs, Erica Jong, Dan Brown. The list is ever changing and ever growing. Ask tomorrow and you will get a different answer.

Hunter has wanted to write a book her entire life. A recent change in fortune has made this dream a reality. Her first book, ‘Fables of the Reconstruction’ is scheduled for publication in October 2012. You can find her online at or at

Hunter lives in Midtown Atlanta, Georgia with her current partner. They have no children or pets, just books, wine and a million dollar view.

Connect with Hunter S. Jones:




2 Responses to “Interview with Author Hunter S. Jones”

  1. denisegardner November 4, 2012 at 3:31 pm #

    Awesome interview. Can not wait to read Fables if the Reconstruction. It sounds great.


  2. denisegardner November 4, 2012 at 3:32 pm #

    Reblogged this on denisegardner's Blog and commented:
    Great interview with Hunter S. Jones


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