Write or Die (Or How Many Times Can I Swear in 10 Minutes)

21 Jul

The “Write or Die” application from Dr. Wicked (the same folks who brought you EditMinion – see my post on July 10) is a deceptively smart little piece of code designed to either make you fist pump into the air à la Rocky in triumph or grab fistfuls of hair and yell ugly things at your monitor.

Write or Die’s basic premise is to keep you typing or you will receive reminders (some nice, some not so nice) to get back to work. You can customize the reminders to your preferred level of abuse. Something innocuous like a pop-up

Write hard, die free

Write hard, die free (Photo credit: yksin)

window or extremer methods, such as deleting what’s been typed if you stop.

The goals are also customizable; you can set time goals, word count goals, or even both, if you’re feeling particularly ambitious. If you really need to get some writing done and need the extra incentive, then Write or Die is for you. A great little weapon in the arsenal against writers block, it’s a good tool for writers, bloggers, even students, if you’re down to crunchtime on that mid-term essay.

This app keeps you typing, throwing words out onto the screen. It will help you from over-thinking and pondering the mysteries of “Do I really need this adverb?” (Chances are, you don’t.) and what’s another word for “dark”? It forces you to shut off the yap of your inner muse and just word vomit all over your keyboard. This way you keep the critical editing portion of your brain at bay and focus on just the writing.

And once you’re all done and basking in the warm glow of smug satisfaction about having beaten it, it asks you if you want to copy and paste your words onto your clipboard. Score.

Available for PC and iPad, and there is also a basic web app at their site www.writeordie.com.

3 Responses to “Write or Die (Or How Many Times Can I Swear in 10 Minutes)”

  1. writermirandastork July 21, 2012 at 12:49 pm #

    I love the sound of this….I heard about it from someone else, but haven’t had the courage to try it yet. *gulp* Really well written post, thanks for sharing hun! 😀


  2. trishmarie July 21, 2012 at 6:15 pm #

    Awesome! I’ve never heard of this, and frankly tho I think it’s cool…it scares me. LOL



  1. The Problem With Being A Writer Is… | WriterGurl INK. - September 7, 2012

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